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My Profession in the Modern World

My Profession in the Modern World

In December 2017, the first student conference "My profession in the modern world" was organized in our college. The main participants of conference were students who presented their reports in English.

The role of a foreign language, especially English language, in the modern world is becoming more relevant for people who are striving to develop their careers successful. A specialist will be more competitive in the labor market if he knows of one or more foreign languages.

Our conference has become a good practice for students to apply the knowledge of English language in the process of presenting their specialties and professions. (Наша конференция стала хорошей практикой для студентов в применении знаний английского языка в процессе представления своих специальностей и профессий). The conference helped to overcome the diffidence that always persecutes the speaker in the absence of a language environment. (Конференция способствовала преодолению неуверенности, которая всегда преследует говорящего в отсутствии языковой среды).

In their reports, the students not only talked about their specialties and professions, but also touched upon the problem of the specialists' demand by enterprises of Miass-city (В своих докладах студенты не только рассказали о своих специальностях и профессиях, но и затронули проблему востребованности специалистов предприятиями города)

The following reports were presented by the second, third and fourth year students:

- «Professions in Our College». Kirill Borovoy, Mikhail Permyakov, Konstantin Grigoryev, Group 285; Sergey Yegosin, Yegor Khomchenko, Group 223. Head of student’s work O.V. Zhulyabina;

- «My Speciality. Mechanical Engineering Technology». Alexey Khalezin, Alina Uskumbayeva, Group 201. Head of student’s work Y.Y. Kiselyova;

- «My Speciality. Automatic Control Systems». Savely Chukhmantsev, Group 209. Head of student’s work V.O. Gordeyev;

- «My Speciality. Maintenance of Electrical and Electromechanical Equipment». Alexander Shubin, Group 285. Head of student’s work V.O. Gordeyev;

- «My Speciality. Quality Management». Sergey Cheglov, Maxim Ziganshin, Andrey Filimonov, Group 364. Head of student’s work O.V. Zhulyabina;

- «Ford Mustang SS». Oleg Ustugov, Uliyana Trifonova, Group 228С. Head of student’s work E.N. Shlyakhtina;

- «VAZ 2101 «Kopeika» returning of the legend». Evgeni Ryazanski, Group 228С. Head of student’s work E.N.Shlyakhtina;

- «Miass Mechanical Engineering College». Dmitry Krasilnikov, Group 225. Head of student’s work A.S. Zhuravlyova.

Special interest of the conference was caused by the report «The Ecological Problems». (Ivan Galdin», Group 225, Head of student’s work A. S. Zhuravlyova). The ecological situation on the Earth and possible ways for each person to solve environmental problems were clear to students. The participants of conference could demonstrate their knowledge of English language taking an active part in the discussion of environmental problems.

The deputy director of the college V.S. Stupina, the head of the conference Y.Y. Kiselyova and the teacher O.V. Zhulyabina summed up the results of the conference and awarded the speakers with certificates.

The reports «My Speciality. Information Systems» (Speakers: Sergey Oblakov, Anna Yevdokimova, Group 200, head of student’s work Y.Y.Kiselyova); «My Speciality. Automatic Control Systems» (Speakers: Yegor Balakin, Ivan Grishin, Group 399, head of student’s work O.V.Zhulyabina); «My Speciality. Maintenance of Electrical and Electromechanical Equipment» (Speakers: Lev Gurov, Vladimir Kuksov, Group 375, head of student’s work Y.Y.Kiselyova) were related as particularly meritorious by the jury.

Congratulations to all the participants of the conference! We wish them success in educational and professional activities!

E. N. Shlyakhtina, methodist of the college;

Y.Y.Kiselyova, the сhairman of the subject-cyclic сommission;

L. A. Kopiyrina, the сhairman of the subject-cyclic сommission.


Адреса «Миасского машиностроительного колледжа»:

1.  пр. Октября, д.1, д.4
2.  Предзаводская площадь, д.1
3.  ул. Гвардейская, 1а